Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fall 2009

It has been a REALLY long time since I have posted anything on here. So sorry about that. Especially to you Barbara!

Life is just always so crazy. All good intentions can be thrown out the window based on a whim by one of the kids.

Greyson and Beckett are not walking yet, but are continuously walking around furniture and from one piece to another. They will stand up on their own and just look at you wondering what they are supposed to do next. They have each have 10 teeth and 4 more are starting to break through. Greyson will eat whatever you put in front of him and Beckett is my picky eater. He usually turns his nose up at anything that is not bread, pasta or crackers. They are still within a few oz of each other in weight and were exactly the same height. 20lbs and 30 inches.

Savannah is the same as always. Just becoming a bigger drama queen. She got her first paper cut the other day from a library book and you would have thought it sliced off the tip of her finger. She has grown so much this summer and so is not my BABY anymore. This time next year she will be in kindergarten.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Summer part 1

So much has been going on since my last blog.
Savannah had a wonderful birthday party. We had a tea party with 2 of her friends and it was so much fun.

Isn't she just beautiful! She didn't want to take off any of her dress up clothes. I think if she could dress like a princess everyday she would. Emily and Aneliese didn't care for their hats or gloves.

JD and I attended Cheryl and
Wade's wedding and had a blast.

They are made for each other!

The day after the wedding we drove to Jasper for my family reunion but sadly we didn't get any pictures. I am going to have to question our family photographer about this. I think he is slacking ;) Love you JD! We had a great time and got to see lots of family.

Savannah and Greyson @ Aunt Connie's, not sure why Beckett didn't have his picture made.

The boys first hair cut! They got it cut the day before we left for Oregon. Thanks Needa!

We left for Oregon on June 9th and had a blast. I cannot wait to share those pictures with everyone. There is so much to show that it will have to be a separate post.

I forgot to mention that Savannah took it upon herself to cut her hair. She now has bangs. It makes me sad.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Had a really great Mother's Day! JD took care of the kids while I got to take the day off. Plus I went to see Star Trek. I am not a fan of the movies but I really enjoyed this new one. I have seen enough of the older ones to know who the characters are but not enough to know if this one messed up any continuity. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys action movies.

The kids have been growing and changing. The boys are crawling all over the place. We have been to visit MeMe and Pops for along weekend. Then met Granne at the Montgomery Zoo for a picnic. Savannah then stayed for a week. The following week our friend Mike came to stay. The summer brings on lots of fun. Savannah's 4th birthday is coming up and we are planning a tea party.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The kids waiting for the BIG HUNT!

Savannah's eggs.

Carrie, Conner, and Aneliese's basket.



Up close and personal

Happy Easter! a few days late....

I have quite a few pictures to post preEaster that I took of the kids. The boys are crawling and getting into everything. Even if I think that there is nothing they can get into they find it.

We had a great day on Saturday before Easter. Holly invited us all over for an egg hunt, dinner and then egg dying for the girls. Uncle Reed was in town and Savannah got to spend most of the day with him. First at Noah and Riley's Tball game and then at lunch. Later, with us and all at Holly's.

Sunday we met Anne and Dan at church and came home to a wonderful ham, potato salad and broccoli that I cooked. Anne made a strawberry dessert that was delicious.

We are heading to MeMe and Pop's next week for a much needed visit. It's been way too long since we got to see them.

Hope everyone has wonderful weather like we have been having!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Busy week(s)

We have been busy since my last post. Took the kids to see the Easter Bunny. As you can see Savannah was a little bored. She realized within minutes that this was a costume and wanted to know where the real bunnies were. The boys did have fun. We are trying to make plans for an Easter Egg hunt with our friends. I would love to have them over and have the girls dye eggs and then hide plastic eggs for them to hunt outside. I think our yard would be perfect for this with all the different bushes to hide them under and around.

We celebrated Emily's 3rd birthday! This was alot of fun and let's just say I don't know if I ever want to do the obstacle course again.

Anne and Dan have been here this past week helping around the house and yard. Lots of yard work. I started on my first garden with just tomatoes and basil so far. Hopefully they will grow and Savannah will have plenty to eat. She LOVESSSSSS tomatoes. Eats them like apples.

We welcomed Conwill Alexander Waldrop to the world. Congratulations Lane, Carrie and Aneliese. He is adorable. Today we visited them at home and he slept almost the whole time we were there. Stopping only to eat. I still think of my boys being this small until today. They looked huge next to him. I cannot believe they have grown so much in 9 short months.

Happy 9 months Greyson and Beckett!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's been awhile.

We have had some wonderful weather the last few days. The azaleas are blooming and beautiful.

Greyson and Beckett are learning to crawl. I am excited but terrified at the same time. Two babies moving around at once is probably going to be a bad thing.

I am excited about things that are going on around us. We are waiting to meet several new babies that are coming soon. Congratulations to the Ritchies, Waldrops, Crims, Nelsons, Mitchells, Dryers and the Thomas'!!!!!

The next few months are going to be busy busy for us. JD has a tournament coming up for Warhammer games, lots more traveling to visit family. Birthdays, Showers, Weddings, and more Birthdays.

Our First baby, Ripley, has not made an appearance and she was jealous. She was a little bored of having her picture taken today.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Mardi Gras 2009.

We have been busy the last few days. Tuesday was Mardi Gras and true to the tradition we started last year, Carrie, Kati and I met downtown with our kids to watch parades and have a picnic in Bienville Square. Since last year we have grown. I was pregnant last year with the boys and this year Carrie and Kati both are pregnant. We had other friends and family join us also this year for the festivities. I hope we continue this tradition. The girls really enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday we drove to Dan and Anne's for a couple of days and were able to visit with Barbara and Steve. Savannah got to make smores with her Granne, Beckett practiced crawling, Greyson found his voice and boy is it loud! As for me I got that much needed sleep. Thank you Anne!